Vic Rural Brothels

Here is a complete list of licensed brothels in regional Victoria. We do our best to make sure that this information is up to date, if you are a venue owner or manager and find that this information is incorrect please let us know. For information about services and pricing please call the brothel on the number provided. RhED may be able to provide information about accessibility of the venue and answer ‘starting out’ enquiries.

If are a client and you ask for a service without a condom – be aware you are not protected from STIs and BBVs. STIs and BBVs follow you home into your relationships. Contact RhED for more information. 1800 458 752 or email

If you require further information about any particular brothel, please phone RhED on 1800 458 752.

Apollo 45

45 Apollo Drive, SHEPPARTON VIC 3630

69 Relaxation

169a Malop Street, GEELONG VIC 3220

Lorraine Starr

201 Malop Street, GEELONG VIC 3220

Ultimates of North Shore

4 Seaside Parade,North Shore,GEELONG VIC 3214