Peer outreach and support

RhED health educators have a broad body of knowledge of the sex industry and provide information, education, peer outreach and support, sex worker allied referrals and advocacy to sex workers. 

They deliver these services to sex workers across Victoria by outreach, phone and online communication.

If you are a current or former sex worker in Victoria, or someone looking to start work in the sex industry, and are looking to connect with a RhED health educator, please get in touch!  You can either email us at [email protected] or ring us on 1800 458 752.  You can also now text us as well on 0400 674 217.

RhED health educators are also able to provide secondary consults to a range of professionals who may have sex workers who use their services.

RhED health educators also deliver Sex Worker Affirmative Practice Training to a broad range of external services and professionals. 

Please contact RhED on 1800 458 752 or click here to email.