Generalist case management is available to current and former sex workers from all areas of the industry, who would like support around issues that may include housing, alcohol and other drug use, mental health & wellbeing, visa/migration support, family & intimate partner violence, accessing appropriate health care and disability support.
Generalist case management can:
- Link you in with other support services.
- Assist you to address your support needs/goals.
- You are a current or former sex worker living/ working in Victoria (including Australian citizens, Australian permanent residents and temporary visa-holders)
- You have a self-identified goal/support need
- You are able to engage in a case management program and attend regular appointments
How Do I Find Out More, Sign-Up or Refer?
Give us a call on 1800 458 752 to speak to our intake & assessment worker to find out more about whether the Pathways Program is right for you. You can self-refer, or if consent is provided, another party can refer you to the Pathways Program over the phone or via email at [email protected]