We can provide you with a list of services that have been generated via word of mouth from within the industry including GPs, counselling services, accountants and financial advisors. RhED does not recommend services as we acknowledge that everyone’s needs and experiences are different, however we do meet with services regularly, and take feedback from within the industry on board when providing referrals to external providers.
You can access support, information and referral on:
health & welfare (including mental health, sexual health, alcohol, and other drug issues)
counselling (legal & financial)
education and training
social and recreational
External providers (eg accountants, psychologists) RhED refers to will usually charge a fee.
As with all services provided through RhED, you are guaranteed confidentiality in any interaction you have with us either by phone, in person or through our outreach services.
For more information phone RhED 1800 458 752 or email sexworker@sexworker.org.au